The Name ~ Dog On A Hog

Like I said my brother was in town from LA when we took our first ride. Now that I know that Ezra likes riding on the motorcycle. I can start planning the adventure, and the Ride For Roswell Fund raising. My brother and I talked, knowing that a slogan was needed for this adventure, John suggested Dog On A Hog. I was like cool..... and tossed a bunch more ideas around. But, Dog On The Hog kept coming to the front of the line. My brother went back to LA. I kept on looking into how to get this thing started and rolling. I reached out to Del Reid, he graciously talked to me over the phone, tossing around ideas on how to get this thing moving. What this should be called came up. Mentioning Dog On The Hog, he loved it!!! Right then and there that is what I decided to call this campaign Dog On A Hog! I called John and talked to him, telling him, his slogan is the winner! Thanks It's a great name. He told me.... "well, I have been doing this for 30 years" LOL.... Then he calls me, saying is avalible, Buy IT NOW!!!! Which I did. It's pretty ironic. While writing this, by brother John is fighting stage 4 cancer. He was just home 2 months ago..... Helping to document and name this campaign. Now, sitting here this Ride For Roswell with Ezra the Dog On A Hog takes on a whole new meaning. John, I dedicate this ride to you.


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